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Search Results: "Crama"

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1 Results found for "Crama"

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Tips for Searching:
  1. If no results were found, try to decrease the number of keywords or try to generalize them - instead of "Saxonian" try "Saxony"
Woods, 1904-1913. A monograph of the Cretaceous Lamellibranchia of England. II [ebook]

Henry Woods, 1904-1913. A monograph of the Cretaceous Lamellibranchia of England. Volume II. Palaeontographical Society (Palaeontographical Society) London 58–65: 1–473.

 ... Corbis gaultina Corbis obovata Corbula Corbula elegans Corbula gaultina Corbula punctum Corbula striatula Corbula truncata Cordata Corimya Corimya rotundata Corrugata Cottea Crama Crassatella Crassatella trapezoidalis Crassatellites Crenella Ctenoides Cuama canaliculata Cucullea Cuculus Cuneata Cuspidaria Cuspidaria caudata Cuspidaria pulchra Cuspidaria ... 

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