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Search Results: "Ftingia distorta"

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1 Results found for "Ftingia distorta"

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  1. If no results were found, try to decrease the number of keywords or try to generalize them - instead of "Saxonian" try "Saxony"
Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1850–1854. A monograph of the British fossil corals [ebook]

Henri Milne-Edwards & Jules Haime, 1850. Introduction; Corals from the Tertiary and Cretaceous formations : Chapter III. Corals of the upper Chalk. (in: Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1850–1854. A monograph of the British fossil corals) 1: I–LXXXV; 1–71.

 ... in the adult p. 236. DiASERIS. Haime, t. ii, state, number of a certain become cemented General together. structure as in Cycloseris. Typ. Biaseris distort a, nob. sp., Ftingia distorta, Michelin, in Guerin's Mag. Zool., t. v, Zoopli., 1843. pi. V, Genus Trochoseris. 16. Milne Edw. and Haime, Corallum simple, trochoidal, adherent. Typ. sp., Trochoseris ... 

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