Search Results: "cretaceous"
116 Results found for "cretaceous"
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Summary. Cretaceous Exogyra beds over Blansko. (With a map-sketch and a profile.) This paper is a revision of the opinions expressed hitherto on the stratigraphic belonging of the Exogyra bed over Blansko. A. Rzehak (3,4,5) in 1883...
William James Kennedy, Willy Wright & Jake Hancock, 1980. Collignoniceratid ammonites from the mid-Turonian of England and northern France. Palaeontology (Palaeontological Association) London 23 (3): 557–603.
... for 1970): Cenomanian Ammonites from Southern England, by w. J. KENNEDY. 272 pp., 5 tables, 64 plates. Price £8 (V.S. $19.50). 9. (for 1971): Fish from the Freshwater Lower Cretaceous of Victoria, Australia, with Comments on the Palaeo- environment, by M. WALDMAN. 130 pp., 37 text-jigs., 18 plates. Price £5 (V.S. $12). 10. (for 1971): Vpper Cretaceous ...
William James Kennedy, 1967. Burrows and surface traces from the Lower Chalk of southern England - Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology London 15 (3): 125-167.
... winnowed These features, and a similar thinning and condensation in the underlying Albian suggest the presence of a stable massif in this region during part, at least, of the Cretaceous The influence of this massif may, in part be responsible for the development, in the Chilterns and northwards, of the "gritty" phosphatic Totternhoe Stone (Middle Cenomanian) LOWER CHALK TRACE FOSSILS OF S ENGLAND 129 Traced westwards, the Lower Chalk maintains its general features to the western limits of outcrop at Membury (S Devon), where rhythms are still present in the chalky part of the sequence Faunal evidence indicates that the base of the Chalk is diac
Henry Woods, 1899–1903. A monograph of the Cretaceous Lamellibranchia of England. Volume I. Palaeontographical Society (Palaeontographical Society) London 53–57: 1–232.
A. costulata A. intercostata A. papyracea A. pseudoradiata A. quadratus A. truncata Acephala Acila Affinis Amusium Angulata Aniba Anomia papyracea Anomia transversa Apiculata Arachnoides Arca carinata Arca strehlensis Archiaciana Arcuatus Aroa Aroa dupiniana Atava Aucella B. aptiensis B. jaculum B. lateralis B. mucronata B. rotundata Barbatia Barbatia ...
Die Überarbeitung ergab eine Reihe neuer Bestimmungen; die alten Namen werden in Klammern beigefügt. Eine Anzahl neuerer Fundstücke wurden, soweit sich ein Zusammenhang mit behandelten Arten ergab, in die Bearbeitung eingeschlossen...
... 1873—1876. Reports "Challenger" Zoology, v. 24, 1888. 7. Bell, Th.: Notes on the Crustacea of the Chalk Formation in F. Dixon: The Geology and Fossils of the Tertiary and Cretaceous Formations of Sussex. London 1850. 8. — A Monograph of the fossil malacostracous Crustacea of Great Britain. Part I. Crustacea of the London Clay, Palaeont. Soc. London ...
The Middle East Technical University, Ankara will host this meeting on September 1st to 5th, 2013.More informations on
Before giving some additional information about the „complete“ bibliography on the Saxo-Bohemian-Cretaceous-Basin here the link to the BiBTeX-file mentioned above: kreidefossilien-bibliographie.bib. The processing may take a while...
Oysters (Ostreidae) Joachim Gründel (Berlin, Germany) - Freie Universität Brachiopoda Jan Sklenár (Prague, Czech Republic) - national museum Bryozoa Kamil Zágoršek (Prague, Czech Republic) - national museum Cephalopoda Markus Wilmsen (Dresden, Germany) - museum for mineralogy & geology Jirí Frank (Prague, Czech Republic) - national museum, twitter Martin Kosták (Prague, Czech Republic) - Charles-University Crustacea Joachim Gründel (Berlin, Germany) - Freie Universität Martina Veselská (Prague, Czech Republic) Echinodermata Jirí Zítt (Prague, Czech Republic) - AS CR Pisces Boris Ekrt (Prague, Czech Republic) - national museum Inoceramids Karl-Armin Tröger (Freiberg, Germany) - TU Bergakademie corals Hannes Löser (Hermosillo, Mexiko) - Nationale Autonome Universität Helena Eliásová (Prague, Czech Republic) calcareous nannofossils Lilian Švábenická (Prage, Czech Republic) - Geological Survey Polychaeta, Serpulidae Tomáš Kocí (Príbram, Czech Republic) Porifera Radek Vodrážka (Prague, Czech Republic) - Geological Survey, AS-CR Palaeobotanic Lutz Kuntzmann (Dresden, Germany) - Museum for Mineralogy & Geology Jiří Kvaček (Prague, Czech Republic) - national museum
Bemerkung:Der Kreide-Teil ist Band II Heft 1&2 (von I-IV) der Monographie von Duncan: "A monograph of the British fossil corals. 2d series - Being a supplement to the "Monograph of the British fossil corals" by H. Milne-Edwards...
Monograph on the British fossil Echinodermata from the cretaceous formations: Thomas Wright, 1864-1882. Volume I: The Echinoidea (pp.1-371; tab. 1-80) W. Percy Sladen & W.K. Spencer, 1891-1908. Volume II: The Asteroidea and Ophiurioidea (pp. 1-138; tab. 1-29)
Es wird erstmals der Versuch unternommen, die Bryozoenfauna der europäischen Oberkreide daraufhin zu überprüfen, ob auch bei ihr, ebenso wie bei anderen Fossilgruppen, eine klimatisch motivierte Differenzierung in meridionale ,südliche...
... Cheilostomata-Genus Heteroco-nopeum, das von Minelfrankreich bis nach Tunis und Nigeria verbreitet ist. ABSTRACT For the first time, an attempt is made to investigate the European Upper Cretaceous bryozoan fauna as to whether there exists a difference between meridional Tethys-forms and "bo-real" or rather middle- to north European taxa as known from ...
Geologischer Überblick Die Elbtalkreide (Elbtal-Gruppe, sächsische Kreide, Saxonian Cretaceous Basin - SCB) bildete sich ab der frühen Oberkreide (Untercenoman) in einem Bereich zwischen der Mitteleuropäischen Insel und der Westsudetischen...
„Man darf sich nicht von einzelnen Exemplaren leiten lassen, das gilt für alle, oft verdrückte Inoceramen". von Strombeck, Z. d. d. g. G. 1859, pag. 49. Da der Wunsch, es möchten jene hervorragenden Formen unter den Inoceramen, welche...
... 1874, pag. 367. Derselbe stellt folgende neue Arten auf: /. insulensis, I. Gosseleti, I. Lezennensis. 10 ) Memoirs of the geological Survey of India. Palaeontologia India. Cretaceous Fauna of Southern India, Vol. III, Ser. VI, The Pelecypoda by Fr. Stoliczka, Calcutta 1871. 11 ) Fr. Schmidt, Ueber die Petrefaeten der Insel Sachalin. Mem. de l'Acadeniie ...
The Cretaceous of the Elbe valley (Saxonian Cretaceous Basin - SCB) consists of marine sediments of the early upper Cretaceous (lower Cenomanian - Santonian). Fluvatile sediments where deposited in the late Albian-early Cenomanian by a drainage system (Niederschöna river). The remnants of the Cretaceous of the Elbe valley where deposited between the Lusatian block (West Sudetic Island) in the east and the former Erzgebirge block (Mid European Island) in the west/southwest. An introduction made by K.A. Tröger can be accessed here (in english).
Beim Nutzen des Hilfsdienst bin ich auf das Problem gestoßen,… 1 year, 7 months ago
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Sehr schöne Anleitung, danke! 4 years ago
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