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Search Results: "palaeontology"

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32 Results found for "palaeontology"

Due to the lack of english content the search has been epxanded to the german section.
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  1. If no results were found, try to decrease the number of keywords or try to generalize them - instead of "Saxonian" try "Saxony"
Who is who - Palaeontologists working fields (Saxonian & Bohemian Cretaceous)

Oysters (Ostreidae) Joachim Gründel (Berlin, Germany) - Freie Universität Brachiopoda Jan Sklenár (Prague, Czech Republic) - national museum Bryozoa Kamil Zágoršek (Prague, Czech Republic) - national museum Cephalopoda Markus Wilmsen (Dresden, Germany) - museum for mineralogy & geology Jirí Frank (Prague, Czech Republic) - national museum, twitter Martin Kosták (Prague, Czech Republic) - Charles-University Crustacea Joachim Gründel (Berlin, Germany) - Freie Universität Martina Veselská (Prague, Czech Republic) Echinodermata Jirí Zítt (Prague, Czech Republic) - AS CR Pisces Boris Ekrt (Prague, Czech Republic) - national museum Inoceramids Karl-Armin Tröger (Freiberg, Germany) - TU Bergakademie corals Hannes Löser (Hermosillo, Mexiko) - Nationale Autonome Universität Helena Eliásová (Prague, Czech Republic) calcareous nannofossils Lilian Švábenická (Prage, Czech Republic) - Geological Survey Polychaeta, Serpulidae Tomáš Kocí (Príbram, Czech Republic) Porifera Radek Vodrážka (Prague, Czech Republic) - Geological Survey, AS-CR Palaeobotanic Lutz Kuntzmann (Dresden, Germany) - Museum for Mineralogy & Geology Jiří Kvaček (Prague, Czech Republic) - national museum

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