Literaturrecherche: "Čech, Stanislav"
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Al-Bassam, K.,
Magna, T.,
Vodrážka, R. &
Čech, S.,
Mineralogy and geochemistry of marine glauconitic siliciclasts and phosphates in selected Cenomanian–Turonian units, Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic: Implications for provenance and depositional environment – Geochemistry (Elsevier) Amsterdam 79 (2): 347–368. e-book :
Al-Bassam, K.,
Rambousek, P. &
Čech, S.,
REE-Rich Turonian Phosphates in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic: Assessment as Source of Critical Elements and Implications for Future Exploration – Minerals (MDPI) Basel 11 (3): 1–21. e-book :
Buriánek, D.,
Čech, S. &
Abrahám, M.,
Chemické složení těžkých minerálů jako indikátor zdrojových oblastí pro křídové sedimenty na jižním okraji vysokomýtské synklinály (jv. okraj české křídové pánve) – Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae Geologicae (Moravské zemské muzeum) Brno 94 (1–2): 83–96. e-book :
Čech, S.,
Klein, V.,
Kříž, J. &
Valečka, J.,
Revision of the Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Bohemian Basin – Vestník Ústredního ústavu geologického (Ústav) Praha 55 (5): 277–296.
Čech, S.,
Inocerámové českého cenomanu – Geoscience Research Report (Czech Geological Survey) Praha 1984: 42–43.
Čech, S.,
Hercogová, J.,
Knobloch, E.,
Pacltová, B. &
Pokorný, V.,
Svrchní křída ve vrtu Volfratice Vf-1 – Upper Cretaceous in the Borehole Volfartice Vf-1 – Sborník geologických ved, Geologie (Czech Geological Survey) Praha 42: 113–159. e-book :
Čech, S. & Váně, M.,
K otázkám vývoje cenomanu a spodního turonu v Podkrušnohoří – Casopis pro mineralogii a geologii (Nakladatelství Ceskoslovenské akademie ved) Praha 33 (4): 395–410. e-book :
Čech, S.,
Upper Cretaceous Didymotis events from Bohemia. In: Wiedmann: Cretaceous of the Western Tethys. Proceedings of the 3rd International Cretaceous Symposium, Tübingen 1987 – (E. Schweizerbart) Stuttgart : 657–676.
Čech, S. & Švábenická, L.,
Macrofossil and nannofossil of the type locality of the Březno Formation (Turonian-Coniacian, Bohemia) – Véstnik Ceského geologického ústavu (Ústav) Praha 67 (5): 311–326.
Čech, S.,
Hradecká, L.,
Laurin, J.,
Štaffen, Z. &
Švábenická, L.,
Locality 3: Úpohlavy quarry – Record of late Turonian sea-level oscillations and sedimentary tectonic activity. In: Horna: Fifth International Cretaceous Symposium and Second Workshop on Inoceramids – (TU Bergakademie, Institut für Geologie) Freiberg Abstracts: 32–42.
Čech, S.,
Hradecká, L.,
Svobodová, M. &
Švábenická, L.,
Cenomanian and Cenomanian-Turonian boundary in the southern part of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic – Bulletin of Geosciences (Czech Geological Survey) Praha 80 (4): 321–354. e-book :
Čech, S.,
Palaeogeography and Stratigraphy of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic) – An Overview – Geologické výzkumy na Morave a ve Slezsku – Geological Research in Moravia and Silesia Brno 18 (1): 18–21. e-book :
Čech, S.,
Rejchrt, M. &
Štaffen, Z.,
Křídové sedimenty ve vrtu V 800 Střeleč, jejich petrografie, litostratigrafie a chemostratigrafie : Cretaceous sediments in borehole V 800 Strelec, their petrography, lithostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy – Geoscience Research Report (Czech Geological Survey) Praha 44: 14–19. e-book :
Čech, S. & Opletal, M.,
Zajímavé odkryvy s transgresí křídy na fylitech, v okolí Nového Města nad Metují – Acta Musei Reginaehradecensis. Series A : scientiae naturales (Muzeum východních Cech v Hradci Králové) Hradec Králové 35 (2): 11–15.
Čech, S. & Uličný, D.,
The Turonian-Coniacian stage boundary in an expanded siliciclastic succession: integrated stratigraphy in deltaic through offshore facies, Bohemian Cretaceous Basin – Cretaceous Research (Elsevier) Amsterdam 117 (104576): 1–29. e-book :
Käßner, G.A.,
Uličný, D.,
Čech, S.,
Walaszczyk, I. &
Gröcke, D.,
Trans-Atlantic correlation of Late Cretaceous high-frequency sea-level cycles – Earth and Planetary Science Letters (Elsevier) Amsterdam 578 (117323). e-book :
Kollmann, H.,
Peza, L. &
Čech, S.,
Upper Cretaceous Nerinacea of the Bohemian Basin (Czech Republic) and the Saxonian Basin (Germany) and their significance for Tethyan environments. In: Obst: Hans-Prescher-Gedenkband : von seinen Freunden und Kollegen – Abhandlungen des Staatlichen Museums für Mineralogie und Geologie zu Dresden (Staatliches Museum für Mineralogie und Geologie Dresden) Dresden 43/44: 151–172.
Košťák, M.,
Čech, S.,
Ekrt, B.,
Mazuch, M. &
Wiese, F.,
Belemnites of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin in a global context – Acta Geologica Polonica (Institute of Geology University of Warsaw) Warszawa 4: 511–533. e-book :
Košťák, M.,
Čech, S.,
Uličný, D.,
Sklenář, J. &
Ekrt, B.,
Ammonites, inoceramids and stable carbon isotopes of the Cenomanian–Turonian OAE2 interval in central Europe: Pecínov quarry, Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic). In: Jagt-Yazykova: Advances in Cretaceous palaeontology and stratigraphy – Christopher John Wood Memorial Volume – Cretaceous Research (Elsevier) Amsterdam 87: 150–173. e-book :
Košťák, M.,
Sklenář, J.,
Mazuch, M. &
Čech, S.,
Taxonomy and stratigraphic distribution of the ammonite Schloenbachia Neumayr, 1875 from the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin – Fossil Imprint (Národni muzeum) Prague 75 (1): 64–69. e-book :
Košťák, M.,
Kohout, O.,
Mazuch, M. &
Čech, S.,
An unusual occurrence of vascoceratid ammonites in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic) marks the lower Turonian boundary between the Boreal and Tethyan realms in central Europe – Cretaceous Research (Elsevier) Amsterdam 108 (104338): 1–12. e-book :
Kříž, J. & Čech, S.,
Protocallianassa burrows from the Bohemian Upper Cretaceous – Casopis pro mineralogii a geologii (Nakladatelství Ceskoslovenské akademie ved) Praha 19 (4): 419–424. e-book :
Laurin, J.,
Uličný, D.,
Čech, S.,
Trubač, J. &
Zachariáš, J.,
Chronology and eccentricity phasing for the Early Turonian greenhouse (~93-94 Ma): constraints on astronomical control of the carbon cycle – Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology (American Geophysical Union) Washington D.C. 36 (4): 1–19. e-book :
Nádaskay, R.,
Valečka, J. &
Čech, S.,
Stratigrafie, sedimentární prostředí a tektonická stavba tzv. kozelského pískovcového tělesa v severozápadní části české křídové pánve – Geoscience Research Report (Czech Geological Survey) Praha 51 (2): 167–180. e-book :
Nádaskay, R.,
Kochergina, J.,
Čech, S.,
Švábenická, L. &
Valečka, J.,
Integrated stratigraphy of an offshore succession influenced by intense siliciclastic supply: implications for Coniacian tectono-sedimentary evolution of the West Sudetic area (NW Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic) – Cretaceous Research (Elsevier) Amsterdam 79 (2): 347–368. e-book :
Skácelová, Z.,
Mlčoch, B. &
Čech, S.,
Geological interpretation of a seismic reflection profile in the eastern part of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin – Journal of Geosciences (Czech Geological Survey) Praha 67 (1): 1–17. e-book :
Skácelová, Z.,
Mlčoch, B. &
Čech, S.,
Geological interpretation of a seismic reflection profile in the eastern part of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin – Journal of Geosciences (Czech Geological Survey) Praha 67 (1): 1–17. e-book :
Svobodová, A.,
Košťák, M.,
Čech, S. &
Švábenická, L.,
New biostratigraphic evidence (texanitid ammonites, inoceramids and calcareous nannofossils) for the Upper and the uppermost Coniacian in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. In: Wilmsen: Cretaceous basins of Central Europe – Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (E. Schweizerbart) Stuttgart 165 (4): 577–589. e-book :
Uličný, D.,
Hladíková, J.,
Attrep, M.,
Čech, S. &
Hradecká, L.,
Sea-level changes and geochemical anomalies across the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary: Pecínov quarry, Bohemia – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (Elsevier) Amsterdam 132 (1-4): 265–285. e-book :
Uličný, D.,
Čech, S. &
Grygar, R.,
Day 2: Tectonics and Depositional Systems of a Shallow-Marine, Intra-Continental Strike-Slip Basin: Exposures of the Český Ráj Region, Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. In: 8th Meeting of the Czech Tectonic Studies Group 1st Meeting of the Central European Tectonics Group, Hrubá Skála Chateau, Czech Republic, April 24–27, 2003: Excursion Guide – Geolines (Academy of Sciences) Praha 16: 133–148. e-book :
Uličný, D.,
Špicáková, L.,
Grygar, R.,
Svobodová, M. &
Čech, S.,
Palaeodrainage systems at the basal unconformity of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin: roles of inherited fault systems and basement lithology during the onset of basin filling – Bulletin of Geosciences (Czech Geological Survey) Praha 84 (4): 577–610. e-book :
Uličný, D.,
Laurin, J. &
Čech, S.,
Controls on clastic sequence geometries in a shallow-marine, transtensional basin: the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic – Sedimentology (John Wiley & Sons) 56 (4): 1077–1114. e-book :
Uličný, D.,
Jarvis, I.,
Gröcke, D.,
Čech, S. &
Laurin, J.,
A high-resolution carbon-isotope record of the Turonian stage correlated to a siliciclastic basin fill: Implications for mid-Cretaceous sea-level change – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (Elsevier) Amsterdam 405 (1): 42–58. e-book :
Vodrážka, R.,
Sklenář, J.,
Čech, S.,
Laurin, J. &
Hradecká, L.,
Phosphatic intraclasts in shallow-water hemipelagic strata: a source of palaeoecological, taphonomic and biostratigraphic data (Upper Turonian, Bohemian Cretaceous Basin) – Cretaceous Research (Elsevier) Amsterdam 30 (1): 204–222. e-book :
Voigt, T.,
Čech, S.,
Uličný, D. &
Wejda, M.,
Stratigraphy and facies of the Bohemian-Saxonian Cretaceous Basin, Field Excursion B1. In: Horna: Fifth International Cretaceous Symposium and Second Workshop on Inoceramids – (TU Bergakademie, Institut für Geologie) Freiberg .
Walaszczyk, I.,
Čech, S.,
Crampton, J.,
Dubicka, Z. &
Ifrim, C.,
The Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Coniacian Stage (Salzgitter-Salder, Germany) and its auxiliary sections (Słupia Nadbrzeżna, central Poland; Střeleč, Czech Republic; and El Rosario, NE Mexico) – Episodes – Journal of International Geoscience (Geological Society of Korea) Seoul : 1–40. e-book :
Wiese, F.,
Čech, S.,
Ekrt, B.,
Košťák, M. &
Mazuch, M.,
The Upper Turonian of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic) exemplified by the Úpohlavy quarry: integrated stratigraphy and palaeoceanography of a gateway to the Tethys – Cretaceous Research (Elsevier) Amsterdam 25 (3): 329–352. e-book :
Wiese, F.,
Čech, S.,
Ekrt, B.,
Košťák, M. &
Mazuch, M.,
“The Upper Turonian of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic) exemplified by the Úpohlavy working quarry: integrated stratigraphy and palaeoceanography of a gateway to the Tethys” [Cretaceous Research 25 (2004) 329-352] – Reply – Cretaceous Research (Elsevier) Amsterdam 26 (4): 736–739. e-book :
Wiese, F.,
Čech, S.,
Walaszczyk, I. &
Košťák, M.,
An upper Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) inoceramid zonation and a round-the-world trip with Mytiloides incertus (Jimbo, 1894). In: Wilmsen: A life dedicated to the geosciences – Tribute to Prof. Dr. Karl-Armin Tröger (1931–2019) – Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (E. Schweizerbart) Stuttgart 171 (2): 211–226. e-book :
Žítt, J.,
Čech, S.,
Košťák, M.,
Hradecká, L. &
Svobodová, M.,
Micrasterids (Echinoidea) in siliciclastic sediments of the Upper Turonian (Bohemian Cretaceous Basin): taxonomy, taphonomy, sedimentary environment, biostratigraphy. In: Pisera: 9th Paleontological Conference - Warszazwa, 10–11 October 2008 – Abstracts – Institute of Paleobiology – Polish Academy of Sciences Warschau : 107–108. e-book :
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