Literaturrecherche: "(Charles University, Faculty of Science) Praha"
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Košťák, M.,
Phylogeny of Praeactinocamax NAIDIN (Belemnitellidae, Upper Cretaceous). In: Košťák: 2nd International Symposium "Coleoid Cephalopods Through Time" Prague, September 26-28, 2005 - Short Papers/Abstracts Volume – (Charles University, Faculty of Science) Praha : 80–83. e-book :
Košťák, M.,
Cenomanian-Coniacian (Upper Cretaceous)) belemnitellid distribution and belemnite events in the East European Province. In: Košťák: 2nd International Symposium "Coleoid Cephalopods Through Time" Prague, September 26-28, 2005 - Short Papers/Abstracts Volume – (Charles University, Faculty of Science) Praha : 85–88. e-book :
Mutterlose, J. & Rexfort, A.,
Stable isotope signatures of Cretaceous belemnites: The approach of a palaeobiologist. In: Košťák: 2nd International Symposium "Coleoid Cephalopods Through Time" Prague, September 26-28, 2005 - Short Papers/Abstracts Volume – (Charles University, Faculty of Science) Praha : 94. e-book :
Vojtíšek, J.,
Možnosti krasovění vápnitých pískovců v jizerské faciální oblasti české křídové pánve a vývoj kanálů v kvádrových pískovcích [unpublished Diploma thesis] – (Charles University, Faculty of Science) Praha : 1–108. e-book :
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