Literaturrecherche: "Bakel, Barry"
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Kočová Veselská, M.,
Bakel, B. &
Kočí, T.,
Ferroranina fritschi (Brachyura, Palaeocorystoidea) from the Coniacian claystones of Březno locality in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic [Conference Abstract]. In: Charbonnier: 6th Symposium on Mesozoic and Cenozoic Decapod Crustaceans : Villiers-sur-Mer, Normandy, France, 14-18 june 2016 : 70–71. e-book :
Kočová Veselská, M.,
Bakel, B.,
Kočí, T. &
Jagt, J.,
The first record of Ferroranina (Decapoda, Raninoidia, Palaeocorystidae) from Europe – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie: Abhandlungen (E. Schweizerbart) Stuttgart 288 (2): 161–171. e-book :
Kočová Veselská, M.,
Bakel, B. &
Kočí, T.,
The palaeocorystid crab Ferroranina fritschi (Glaessner , 1929) from the lower-middle Coniacian of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic), the first record of Ferroranina for Europe [unpublished] – (Charles University, Institute for Geology and Palaeontology) Praha : 202–225. e-book :
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