Literaturrecherche: "Bosma, Hylke"
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Bosma, H.,
Kunzmann, L.,
Kvaček, J. &
van Konijnenburg-van Cittert, J.,
Revision of the genus Cunninghamites (fossil conifers), with special reference to nomenclature, taxonomy and geological age – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology (Elsevier) Amsterdam 182: 20–31. e-book :
Zijlstra, G.,
Cittert, H.,
Kunzmann, L.,
Bosma, H. &
Kvaček, J.,
Proposal to conserve the name Geinitzia with a conserved type (fossil Coniferophyta) – TAXON – Journal of the IAPT (IAPT) Wien 59 (1): 301–302. e-book :
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