Literaturrecherche: "Leszczyński, Stanislaw"
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Leszczyński, S.,
Coniacian–?Santonian paralic sedimentation in the Rakowice Male area of the North Sudetic Basin, SW Poland: sedimentary facies, ichnological record and palaeogeographical reconstruction of an evolving marine embayment – Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae (Polish Geological Society) Kraków 80 (1): 1–24. e-book :
Leszczyński, S. & Nemec, W.,
Sedimentation in a synclinal shallow-marine embayment: Coniacian of the North Sudetic Synclinorium, SW Poland – The Depositional Record (Wiley) Chichester 6 (1): 144–171. e-book :
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