Literaturrecherche: "Voigt, Silke"
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Dullo, W.C.,
Hay, W.W.,
Tröger, K.A.,
Voigt, S. &
Frank, G.,
Paleoceanography of the Cretaceous Tethys. In: Reitner: Globale und Regionale Steuerungsfaktoren Biogener Sedimentation; II, Kreidesedimentation – Göttinger Arbeiten zur Geologie und Paläontologie (Universität Göttingen, Geologisches Institut) Göttingen Sb3: 147–150. e-book :
Ekrt, B.,
Košťák, M.,
Mazuch, M.,
Valicek, J. &
Voigt, S.,
Short note on new records of late Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) marine reptile remains from the Úpohlavy quarry (NW Bohemia, Czech Republic) – Bulletin of Geosciences (Czech Geological Survey) Praha 76 (2): 101–106. e-book :
Ekrt, B.,
Košťák, M.,
Mazuch, M.,
Voigt, S. &
Wiese, F.,
New records of teleosts from the Late Turonian (Late Cretaceous) of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic) – Cretaceous Research (Elsevier) Amsterdam 29 (4): 659–673. e-book :
Hilbrecht, H.,
Frieg, C.,
Tröger, K.A.,
Voigt, S. &
Voigt, T.,
Shallow water facies during the Cenomanian-Turonian anoxic event: bio-events, isotopes, and sea level in southern Germany – Cretaceous Research (Elsevier) Amsterdam 17 (2): 229–253. e-book :
Niebuhr, B.,
Hiß, M.,
Kaplan, U.,
Tröger, K.A. &
Voigt, S.,
Lithostratigraphie der norddeutschen Oberkreide – Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (E. Schweizerbart) Stuttgart 55: 1–136.
Voigt, S.,
Paläobiogeographie oberkretazischer Inoceramen und Rudisten – Ozeanographische und klimatologische Konsequenzen einer neuen Paläogeographie – Münchner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen (Pfeil) München 31: 1–101.
Voigt, S.,
Wilmsen, M.,
Mortimore, R. &
Voigt, T.,
Cenomanian palaeotemperatures derived from the oxygen isotopic composition of brachiopods and belemnites: evaluation of Cretaceous palaeotemperature proxies – International Journal of Earth Sciences/Geologische Rundschau (Springer) Berlin 92 (2): 285–299. e-book :
Voigt, S.,
Gale, A. &
Voigt, T.,
Sea-level change, carbon cycling and palaeoclimate during the Late Cenomanian of northwest Europe; an integrated palaeoenvironmental analysis – Cretaceous Research (Elsevier) Amsterdam 27 (6): 836–858. e-book :
Voigt, S.,
Erbacher, J.,
Mutterlose, J.,
Weiss, W. &
Westerhold, T.,
The Cenomanian - Turonian of the Wunstorf section – (North Germany): global stratigraphic reference section and new orbital time scale for Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 – Newsletter on Stratigraphy (E. Schweizerbart) Berlin 43 (1): 65–89. e-book :
Voigt, T.,
Voigt, S. &
Tröger, K.A.,
Fazies-Entwicklung einer ertrunkenen Felsküste – die obercenomane Monzonitklippe westlich von Dresden – Freiberger Forschungshefte: Paläontologie, Stratigraphie, Fazies (TU Bergakademie) Freiberg 2: 23–34.
Voigt, T.,
Voigt, S. &
Föhlisch, K.,
Field Excursion A 1: Late Cenomanian rocky shore deposits and their facial development – Field Excursion A 2: Cenomanian fluvial and transgressive deposits of the Saxonian Cretaceous Basin. In: Horna: Fifth International Cretaceous Symposium and Second Workshop on Inoceramids – (TU Bergakademie, Institut für Geologie) Freiberg Abstracts: 1–43.
Voigt, T.,
Linnemann, U.,
Voigt, S.,
Horna, F. &
Breitkreuz, C.,
Karl-Armin Tröger 1931 – 2019 – Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen GMit (ARGE GMit) Bonn 75: 95. e-book :
Voigt, T.,
Kley, J. &
Voigt, S.,
Dawn and Dusk of Late Cretaceous Basin Inversion in Central Europe – Solid Earth (Copernicus Publications) Göttingen 12: 1443–1471. e-book :
Walliser, E.O.,
Vodrážka, R.,
Höche, N.,
Voigt, S. &
Schöne, B.R.,
Late Turonian climate variability in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin – A sclerochronological study of Inoceramus hercules shells from the Úpohlavy quarry (Czech Republic) – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (Elsevier) Amsterdam 560 (15): 1–13. e-book :
Wiese, F. & Voigt, S.,
Late Turonian (Cretaceous) climate cooling in Europe: faunal response and possible causes – Geobios (Elsevier) London 35 (1): 65–77. e-book :
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