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Database: significant geological localities in the Czech Republic » Localities » Localities

...the sites should be possible (if not on private property). more on Examples: search localities by Stratigraphy: Albian (1) Cenomanian (70) Turonian (128) Coniacian (20) Santonian (3) Maastrichtian (3) Cretaceous, unspecified (11) Upper Cretaceous (67)

WebGIS » Suchen »

Small application based on OpenLayers 3. This should not become a replacement for a full GIS enviroment but a quick information grabbing source. Find basic informations on localities, literature references and geological maps. Go for it

Application (Version 1.0.9) » WebGIS » WebGIS

Small WebGIS with informations on localities and references combined with the geological maps of Germany 1:200.000 (GÜK200), Saxony (1:50.000) and the Czech Republic (1:50.000).

Cenoman-Symposium am 27.-29. April 2016 in Le Mans » News »

...The field trip will include visits to quarries in the eastern part of the Department of Sarthe, where several localities preserve carbonate-rich formations spanning the lower Cenomanian to the lower Turonian. Vorläufige Details und...

O`Connell, 1919. The Schrammen Collection of Cretaceous Silicispongiae in the American Museum of Natural History [ebook] » Literatur » Digitale Bibliothek

...time to time in late years as new discoveries have been made, while already known species have been found in new localities. The more important recent writers are Cenek Zahalka (1885, 1886a, 1886b, 1887a, 1887b, 1888), Jaroslav Jahn...

 ... paleospongiology, and a description of the morphological characteristics of the Silicispongiae, which constitute Chapters I and II. Since Schrammen's material came from many localities in Germany, and from successive horizons in the Upper Cretaceous, it appeared to me that a general summary of the stratigraphy of the Cretaceous sponge-bearing horizons ... 

vollständige Bibliographie [ebook] » Literatur » Literatur

1956 Datensätze – Die letzten 25 Neuzugänge anzeigen [This section requires a browser that supports JavaScript and iframes.] Export der vollständigen Bilbiographie nach BibTeX (kreidefossilien-bibliographie.bib = Permalink: kreidefossilien...

 ... LfULG) Prague & Freiberg : 1 Map. Kvaček, J., Greguš, J. & Váňa, J., 2018. Perálec a Doly u Luže, dve lokality cenomanské flóry ze Železných hor : Perálec and Doly u Luže: two localities with Cenomanian flora from the Železné hory Mts. – Geoscience Research Report (Czech Geological Survey) Praha 51 (2): 113–119. Kvaček, J., Heřmanová, Z., Bruthansová ... 

Kennedy, 1967. Burrows and surface traces from the Lower Chalk of southern England [ebook] » Literatur » Digitale Bibliothek

William James Kennedy, 1967. Burrows and surface traces from the Lower Chalk of southern England - Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology London 15 (3): 125-167.

 ... Portland Sand, Black Sandstones) of the Dorset coast Farrow (1966) records it from many levels in the Yorkshire Jurassic I have noted this trace fossil at many horizons and localities: Triassic: Rhaetic, South-Devon coast between Seaton and Lyme Regis, piping the basal bone bed into the underlying Keuper (Text-fig 2, G) Jurassic: The whole of the Dorset Lias (Text-figs l, G-J; 2, F) Cretaceous: Lower Greensand, Folkestone beds at Folkestone (Text-fig z, I-K) associated with Gyrolithes type structures; Upper Greensand of Southern England and throughout the whole of the Lower Chalk and in the Middle LOWER CHALK TRACE FOSSILS OF S ENGLAND 133 _)

Mertin, 1941. Decapode Krebse aus dem Subherzynen und Braunschweiger Emscher und Untersenon [ebook] » Literatur » Digitale Bibliothek

Die Überarbeitung ergab eine Reihe neuer Bestimmungen; die alten Namen werden in Klammern beigefügt. Eine Anzahl neuerer Fundstücke wurden, soweit sich ein Zusammenhang mit behandelten Arten ergab, in die Bearbeitung eingeschlossen...

 ... F.: Contributions to Canadian Palaeontology v. 1, 1. Report on theInvertebrata of the Laramie and Cretaceous Rocks of Vicinity of the Bow and Belly Rivers and adj acent localities in the Northwest-Territory. — Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey of Canada 1885# 130. — Contributions to Canadian Palaeontology, v. 2; 4. On some cretaceous fossils from British Columbia ... 

Niebuhr & Wilmsen, 2016. Kreide-Fossilien in Sachsen, Teil 2 » Literatur » Digitale Bibliothek

Vorwort zum Teil 2 Die Paläogeographie, Ablagerungsbedingungen und integrierte Stratigraphie der sächsischen Kreide (Elbtal- Gruppe, Cenomanium bis Coniacium) wurden bereits im Teil 1 der „Kreide-Fossilien in Sachsen“ von Wilmsen...

 ... Sächsischen Landesamts für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie ©. Fig. 1. a, Distribution of the Saxonian Cretaceous (Elbtal Group, green) with indication of important Cretaceous localities. b, Elevation model (same area as in Fig. 1a), source: archive of the Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie ©. a b 5 GEOLOGICA SAXONICA ... 

Paleontological literature of the Bohemo-Saxonian Cretaceous » Literature » Literature

The complete bibliography can be exported to the BiBTeX-format here. 1. General/Miscellaneous 2. Palaeozoology 2.1 Micro- & Nannofossils: Foraminifera, Radiolaria, Dinoflagellata... 2.2 Porifera 2.3 Anthozoa (and other Cnidaria) 2...

 ... 4): 1–17. Hradecká, L., 1999a. Correlation of the Late Turonian foraminiferal assemblages from the Úpohlavy and Březno sections (Bohemian Cretaceous Basin) with some other localities (South Moravia, Germany and Lower Austria) – Geologica Carpathica (Slovak Academic press) Bratislava 50 (2): 145–150. Čech, S., Hradecká, L., Svobodová, M. & Švábenická ... 

Niebuhr & Wilmsen, 2014. Kreide-Fossilien in Sachsen, Teil 1 » Literatur » Digitale Bibliothek

Die Paläogeographie,Ablagerungsbedingungen und integrierte Stratigraphie der sächsischen Kreide (Elbtal-Gruppe, Cenomanium bis  Coniacium) werden anhand der aktuellen Lithostratigraphie formationsweise beschrieben und in einen...

 ... Elbtal-Gruppe, grün) und Lage der Kreide-Lokalitäten (siehe Kap. 1.3.1). Fig. 1. Distribution of the Saxonian Cretaceous (Elbtal Group, green) with indication of important Cretaceous localities (see Chap. 1.3.1). Insel) und der Mitteleuropäischen Insel abgelagert und zeigt starke lithologische und paläontologische Beziehungen zu zeitgleichen Ablagerungen ... 

Federwürmer & Kalkröhrenwürmer aus dem oberen Turon der sächsisch-böhmischen Kreide » News »

Nahe der nordböhmischen Stadt Lovosice (dt. Lobositz im Ústecký kraj) befindet sich der Steinbruch Úpohlavy (Zementwerk). Der Kalksteinbruch wird derzeit durch die Firma Lafarge Cement betrieben und ist ein guter Fundpunkt für turone...

 ... Frič (1889) in the Bohemian area. The first modern revision was by Ziegler (1984), but his paper was focussed on worms of the rocky-coast facies. As most of the classical localities have vanished during the 20th century and new outcrops are rare and ephemeral, we based our study on outcrops in the working quarry in the vicinity of Úpohlavy near Lovosice ... 

Wegner, 1913. Tertiär und umgelagerte Kreide bei Oppeln (Oberschlesien) [ebook] » Literatur » Digitale Bibliothek

Einleitung. In der Umgegend von Oppeln in Oberschlesien hat die Forschungsarbeit der Geologen schon sehr frühzeitig eingesetzt. Bereits in der ersten Hälfte des XIX. Jahrhunderts hatten ihr C. v. Oeynhausen 1), Friedrich Adolph Roemer...

 ... Kreideformation in Oberschlesien. Palaeontographica, Bd. 44, p. 62. 1906 Pollicipes glaber Woodward, H., gical Magazine, vol. III, Cirripedes from the Trimmingham Chalk and other localities in Norfolk. Geolop. 350, Fig. 33—35. Während Leonhard nur wenige Stücke aus der Zone des /. Brongniarti von Oppeln anführt, fanden sich allein 7 Carinae und ein ... 

Böhm, 1911-1914. Zusammenstellung der Inoceramen der Kreideformation + Nachtrag [ebook] » Literatur » Digitale Bibliothek

Johannes Böhm, 1911. Zusammenstellung der Inoceramen der Kreideformation & 1914. Zusammenstellung der Inoceramen der Kreideformation [Nachtrag.]. Jahrbuch der Könglich Preussischen geologischen Landesanstalt und Bergakademie Berlin: 32 (1): 375-406 & 35 (1): 595-599.

 ... Tertiary fossils. Report U. S. Geol. Survey Territories. 9, 1876. f!) Descriptions and illustrations of fossils from Vancouver's and Sucia Islands and other northwestern localities. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geograph. Snrv. Terr. 2, 1876. h) Palaeontology in King: Report of the Geological Exploration of the 40»u Parallel. 4, (1), 1877. 61. MEEK and HAYDEN ... 

Klinger & Wiedmann, 1983. Palaeobiogeographic affinities of Upper Cretaceous ammonites of Northern Germany » Literatur » Digitale Bibliothek

Herbert Christian Klinger & Jost Wiedmann, 1983. Palaeobiogeographic affinities of Upper Cretaceous ammonites of Northern Germany. Zitteliana, Reihe B, Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie München 10: 413–425.

 ... revision should also include material collected under strict stratigraphic control, but, as Wiedmann (1979) has pomted out and from personal expenence, many of the original localities are no longer accessible. Nevertheless, this has been undertaken on modest scale by Giers (1964), Hancock et al. (1972), Lommerzheim (1976), Schmid & Ernst (1975), Wiedmann ... 

Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1850–1854. A monograph of the British fossil corals [ebook] » Literatur » Digitale Bibliothek

Henri Milne-Edwards & Jules Haime, 1850. Introduction; Corals from the Tertiary and Cretaceous formations : Chapter III. Corals of the upper Chalk. (in: Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1850–1854. A monograph of the British fossil corals) 1: I–LXXXV; 1–71.

 ... CORALS FROM THE GAULT. The upper greensand and the lower the more numerous than those imbedded Fossil Corals coutaiiied in the Gault are Turbinolidae, and the principal chalk. localities ]\Iost them belong the family of where they have been met with in England are Folkstone and Cambridge. Family Tribe Cyathina Bowerbankii. TURBINOLIDAE CYATHININE ... 

Die paläontologische Literatur (Kreide) über Sachsen & Böhmen » Literatur » Literatur

Der Export der vollständigen Bibliographie nach BiBTeX ist hier möglich. 1. Allgemeines 2. Paläozoologie 2.1 Mikro- & Nannofossilien: Foraminifera, Radiolaria, Dinoflagellata, ... 2.2 Porifera 2.3 Anthozoa (und andere Cnidaria) 2...

 ... 4: 1–17. Hradecká, L., 1999a. Correlation of the Late Turonian foraminiferal assemblages from the Úpohlavy and Březno sections (Bohemian Cretaceous Basin) with some other localities (South Moravia, Germany and Lower Austria) – Geologica Carpathica (Slovak Academic press) Bratislava 50 (2): 145–150. Čech, S., Hradecká, L., Svobodová, M. & Švábenická ... 

Tröger, 2003. The Cretaceous of the Elbe valley in Saxony (Germany) - a review [ebook] » Literatur » Digitale Bibliothek

Kreide im sächsischen Elbtalgebiet (Deutschland). Eine der wesentlichen Verbindungen des tethyalen Faunenreiches mit dem nördlichen gemäßigten Faunenreich liegt in der Elbtalzone zwischen den Blöcken des Erzgebirges (Teil der Mitteleuropäischen...

 ... TRÖGER, Merklinia aspera (LAMARCK) and Neithea (Neithea) aequicostata LAMARCK. This last species is very common. Ammonites and inoceramids are very rare. But some near-shore localities, such as the so-called Götzenbüschchen, south of Oelsa (Dippoldiswalde Heath), include tempestites consisting mainly of inoceramids of the I. pictus group. A small ... 

Ziegler, 1984. Family Pleurotomariidae from the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin [ebook] » Literatur » Digitale Bibliothek

FAMILY PLEUROTOMARIIDAE SWAINSON, 1840(GASTROPODA, ARCHAEOGASTROPODA)FROM THE BOHEMIAN CRETACEOUS BASIN INTRODUCTION This paper deals with the family Pleurotomariidae SWAINSON, 1840 from sediments of the Bohemia n Cretaceous Basin...

 ... calcium carbonate been found preserved in the shells composed only of calcite. The following elements have been identified by analysing chemically ten samples from various localities: Ca, Mg, Si, AI, Mn, Fe, Ti and B. These single elements represent calcium in carbonates, or form extraneous admixtures in the shells, or were introduced into the shells ... 

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