Ziegler, 1984. Family Pleurotomariidae Swainson, 1840 (Gastropoda, Archaeogastropoda) from the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin
tags: ziegler, gastropoda, pleurotomariidaeRead online
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This paper deals with the family Pleurotomariidae SWAINSON, 1840 from sediments of the Bohemia n Cretaceous Basin . This family has not yet been studied in Czechoslovakia in greater detail. In addition to faunistic lists occasionally scattered in various papers, studies on pleuratomariids from the Cretaceous of Bohemia were carried out only by A. FRIC (1869-1977) and V. WEINZETL (1910 ).
A large number of species of the famil y Pleurotomariidae SWAINSON, 1840 was figured in papers by J. SOWERBY (1812 -1845), B. B. SOWERBY (1820-1834) and F. MANTELL (1822 ). These species were assigned to the genus Trochus and differentiated in 1826 by J. L. M. DEFRANCE. His new genus Pleurotomaria is bas ed on the same principal features (especially the shape of shell and sculpture ) as are used for its present definition. Another significant turning point in studies of pleurotomariids is the year 1840, when W. SWAINSON based his definition of the new family Pleurotomariidae on the genus Pleurotomaria DEFRANCE. This was of decisive importance in giving a cer ta in trend to futher studies. In the meantime, new pleurotomariids were described by some authors, among which the most important were G. A. GOLDFUSS and G. z. MÜNSTER (1 826-1844 ) and H. B. GEINITZ (1839-1842 ). In the for ties H. B. GEINITZ (1843 , 1845 - 46, 1850 ) published additiona l three papers describing 7 new species of the family Pleurotomariidae SWAINSON. [...]
Auszug S. 255.
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