Literaturrecherche: "Geolines"
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Adamovič, J.,
Mikuláš, R. &
Cílek, V.,
Sandstone Districts of the Bohemian Paradise: Emergence of a Romantic Landscape – Geolines (Academy of Sciences) Praha 21: 1–99. e-book :
Košťák, M.,
Cenomanian through the Lowermost Coniacian Belemnitellidae Pavlow (Belemnitida, Coleoidea) of the East European Province – Geolines (Academy of Sciences) Praha 18: 59–109. e-book :
Uličný, D. & Špicáková, L.,
Stratigraphic Architecture of Cenomanian Palaeovalley Fills, Central Part of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin: Interplay of Base-Level Change and Tectonic Influences – Geolines (Academy of Sciences) Praha 14: 101. e-book :
Uličný, D.,
Čech, S. &
Grygar, R.,
Day 2: Tectonics and Depositional Systems of a Shallow-Marine, Intra-Continental Strike-Slip Basin: Exposures of the Český Ráj Region, Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. In: 8th Meeting of the Czech Tectonic Studies Group 1st Meeting of the Central European Tectonics Group, Hrubá Skála Chateau, Czech Republic, April 24–27, 2003: Excursion Guide – Geolines (Academy of Sciences) Praha 16: 133–148. e-book :
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