Cenoman-Symposium am 27.-29. April 2016 in Le Mans
tags: symposium, le mansPublication of the book «Stratotype Cénomanien» (Collection Patrimoine géologique, MNHN - Biotope) provides an opportunity to update recent researches carried out on the stratotype and more generally on the Cenomanian. Researchers and students are invited to present original communications about the geology and/or the palaeontology of the Cenomanian.
The sandy facies of the historical stratotype at Le Mans are no longer accessible. The field trip will include visits to quarries in the eastern part of the Department of Sarthe, where several localities preserve carbonate-rich formations spanning the lower Cenomanian to the lower Turonian.
Vorläufige Details und Anmeldungsmodalitäten sind auf https://www.univ-brest.fr/geosciences/dada/mail.cgi/archive/cretaceous/20150828100914/ — PDF zu finden. Konferenzsprache ist Französisch und Englisch
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