tags: literature, cretaceous, saxony, bohemia, e-books, downloadsPaleontological literature of the Bohemo-Saxonian Cretaceous
A bibliography mainly related to the palaeontology of the Saxonian & Bohemian Cretaceous. It is based on a list created by Löser & Richter, 1989. A complete list, containing the geological literature as well (1749 until now) is available here.
1500+ Entries in the Bibliography of the Saxonian-Bohemian Cretaceous
During the last years the bibliography has grown up to over 1500 single entries. The main focus of this collection is the published (and unpublished) literature on geology and paleontology of the Saxonian-Bohemian Cretaceous. It contains monographs, articles in journals, excursion guides, conference abstracts and even PhD and diploma thesis for example. Since a couple of weeks there is the possibility to export this literature database to the *.bib file format (BiBTeX), which can be used with the most common software for data and literature management like Citavi, Endnote or JabRef.
Digital Library
Works belonging to the Public Domain (copyright expired) were digitized by projects like Google Books, and for natural scientific literature the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) specificly. A lot of the material is widespreaded on different (hidden) databases. A list on free available e-books is provided here (Upper Cretaceous of NW-Europe, especially Saxony, Bohemia and the north German Basin).
Beim Nutzen des Hilfsdienst bin ich auf das Problem gestoßen,… 1 year, 7 months ago
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