» Miscellaneous 2020-11-27

A map of the Saxo-Bohemian Cretaceous Basin - created with QGIS

Traditionally, the Saxonian and Bohemian Cretaceous Basins (SCB and BCB) are subject to a more or less "separated" research especially due to language and political barriers. A lot of the recently published literature about the SCB and BCB is written in english and now much more easy to use for most of the researches. Especially due to administrative aspects e.g. obtaining proper data differs for the political areas and in some cases is quite difficult. On some very basic level: Getting a proper, simplified (geological) map of all the Cretaceous sediments was quite a problem (for me). What I wanted was one map of the de facto ONE basin - Bohemo-Saxonian or Saxo-Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. I compiled a map with QGIS and freely accessible data of the BSCB (or SBCB) which extends over Germany, Poland and most of it over the Czech Republic .

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» Miscellaneous 2019-10-05

Create a nice looking relief-hillshading map and use it in OsmAnd

 Hillshading of Saxony (DGM20, GEOSN - License: <a href='https://www.govdata.de/dl-de/by-2-0'>dl-de/by-2-0</a>) in OsmAnd – © OpenStreetMap contributors (License: <a href='https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright'>ODbL</a>)

In September 2019 the State Survey of Saxony (Germany) published a few of their datasets under a "Open-Data" license. Datasets like the satellite imagery (DOP) or the digital elevation models (DEM - German: Digitales Geländemodell DGM) are now available for free, without any charge and it seems with a proper license for even a commercial reuse. The DEM-datasets are offered in different resolutions and level of details, ranging from the DGM1, DGM2 up to DGM20. The latter one seems to be detailed enough to enhance a offline navigation app like OsmAnd+ for Smartphones, but not having troubles with file sizes of hundreds MB or even Gigabytes of data. Creating an enhanced hillshading layer with a tolerable file size was the aim of this small project.

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» Literature 2018-12-08

1500+ Entries in the Bibliography of the Saxonian-Bohemian Cretaceous

Literature about the Upper Cretaceous of the Saxo-Bohemian-Cretaceous Basin (and a few other)

During the last years the bibliography has grown up to over 1500 single entries. The main focus of this collection is the published (and unpublished) literature on geology and paleontology of the Saxonian-Bohemian Cretaceous. It contains monographs, articles in journals, excursion guides, conference abstracts and even PhD and diploma thesis for example. Since a couple of weeks there is the possibility to export this literature database to the *.bib file format (BiBTeX), which can be used with the most common software for data and literature management like Citavi, Endnote or JabRef.

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