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Search Results: "outcrops"

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4 Results found for "outcrops"

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O`Connell, 1919. The Schrammen Collection of Cretaceous Silicispongiae in the American Museum of Natural History [ebook]

Bohemia In 1840 August Emanuel von Reuss began his elaborate work which appeared under the title of 'Geognostische Skizzen aus Böhmen' (1840-1844), on the stratigraphy of the Bohemian Mittlegebirge in the neighborhood of Teplitz and...

 ... subsequent 52 [Vol. XLI O'Connell, Cretaceous Silicispongia? domings and prolonged erosion, largely in early and middle Tertiary time which gave rise to the present isolated outcrops. The scattered patches of Cretaceous strata now visible in Europe are structural, not lithological, units, being in some places the eroded rim of a basin, in others the ... 

Federwürmer & Kalkröhrenwürmer aus dem oberen Turon der sächsisch-böhmischen Kreide

Nahe der nordböhmischen Stadt Lovosice (dt. Lobositz im Ústecký kraj) befindet sich der Steinbruch Úpohlavy (Zementwerk). Der Kalksteinbruch wird derzeit durch die Firma Lafarge Cement betrieben und ist ein guter Fundpunkt für turone...

 ... revision was by Ziegler (1984), but his paper was focussed on worms of the rocky-coast facies. As most of the classical localities have vanished during the 20th century and new outcrops are rare and ephemeral, we based our study on outcrops in the working quarry in the vicinity of Úpohlavy near Lovosice (Fig. 1). This site – the largest section through ... 

Mantell, 1822. The Fossils of the South Downs, or Illustrations of the Geology of Sussex [ebook]

Gideon Mantell, 1822. The Fossils of the South Downs, or Illustrations of the Geology of Sussex: 1-320.

 ... accumulations of clay, sand, and gravel, intermixed with broken chalk flints, are every where indiscriminately distributed over the surface of the country, and obscure the outcrops of the regular forma- tions. These depositions are evidently composed of the ruin of the more ancient strata ; and in all probability have been produced by that last ca ... 

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