Search Results: "germany"
32 Results found for "germany"
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...than minor significance. While the sponge fauna was found to have many species in common with that of northwest Germany, there was also revealed a large proportion of wholly provincial forms which, so far, seem not to have occurred...
... jamaicensis; Artibeus jamaicensis parvipes (fossil); Nesophontes edithae; Nesophontes micrus; Nesophontes longirostris. TEXT FIGURES PAGE Cross-section of the country around Hanover, Germany, showing the stratigraphic relation of the formations in which sponges are found. (After Credner.) ........................................................ 72 ...
1956 Datensätze – Die letzten 25 Neuzugänge anzeigen [This section requires a browser that supports JavaScript and iframes.] Export der vollständigen Bilbiographie nach BibTeX (kreidefossilien-bibliographie.bib = Permalink: kreidefossilien...
Wilmsen, M., Niebuhr, B. & Kennedy, W.J., 2022. Middle Cenomanian ammonites from the Oberhäslich Formation (Elbtal Group, Germany): stratigraphic and palaeogeographic implications for the Saxo-Bohemian Cretaceous – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie – Abhandlungen (Schweizerbart) Stuttgart inpress (inreview). Plint, G.A., Uličný, D., Čech ...
Herbert Christian Klinger & Jost Wiedmann, 1983. Palaeobiogeographic affinities of Upper Cretaceous ammonites of Northern Germany. Zitteliana, Reihe B, Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie München 10: 413–425.
Palaeoblogeographic affinities of Upper Cretaceous ammonites of Northern Germany By HERBERT CHRISTIAN KLINGER & JOST WIEDMANN'') With 16 text figures KURZFASSUNG Am verbliebenen Material von C. Schlüter's Monographien „Beiträge zur Kenntnis der jüngsten Ammoneen Norddeutschlands" (1867) und „Cephalopoden der oberen deutschen Kreide" (1871-76) werden ...
Der Export der vollständigen Bibliographie nach BiBTeX ist hier möglich. 1. Allgemeines 2. Paläozoologie 2.1 Mikro- & Nannofossilien: Foraminifera, Radiolaria, Dinoflagellata, ... 2.2 Porifera 2.3 Anthozoa (und andere Cnidaria) 2...
... 1999a. Correlation of the Late Turonian foraminiferal assemblages from the Úpohlavy and Březno sections (Bohemian Cretaceous Basin) with some other localities (South Moravia, Germany and Lower Austria) – Geologica Carpathica (Slovak Academic press) Bratislava 50 (2): 145–150. Čech, S., Hradecká, L., Svobodová, M. & Švábenická, L., 2005. Cenomanian ...
Die Paläogeographie,Ablagerungsbedingungen und integrierte Stratigraphie der sächsischen Kreide (Elbtal-Gruppe, Cenomanium bis Coniacium) werden anhand der aktuellen Lithostratigraphie formationsweise beschrieben und in einen...
... geol. L.-Anst., N.F., 150: 1 – 161, Taf. 1 – 4, Berlin. Hofmann, M.; Linnemann, U.; Voigt, T. (2013): The Upper Cretaceous section at Schmilka in Saxony (Elbsandsteingebirge, Germany) – syntectonic sedimentation and inverted zircon age populations revealed by LA-ICP-MS U/Pb data. – Geol. Sax., 59: 101 – 130, Dresden. Janetschke, N.; Wilmsen, M. (2014 ...
Kreide im sächsischen Elbtalgebiet (Deutschland). Eine der wesentlichen Verbindungen des tethyalen Faunenreiches mit dem nördlichen gemäßigten Faunenreich liegt in der Elbtalzone zwischen den Blöcken des Erzgebirges (Teil der Mitteleuropäischen...
The Cretaceous of the Elbe valley in Saxony (Germany) - a review Karl-Armin TRÖGER Abstract: Citation: TRÖGER K.-A. (2003).- The Cretaceous of the Elbe valley in Saxony (Germany) -a review.-Carnets de Géologie / Notebooks on Geology, Maintenon, Article 2003/03 (CG2003_A03_KAT) Résumé : Le Crétacé de la vallée de l'Elbe en Saxe (Allemagne).- En Europe ...
The complete bibliography can be exported to the BiBTeX-format here. 1. General/Miscellaneous 2. Palaeozoology 2.1 Micro- & Nannofossils: Foraminifera, Radiolaria, Dinoflagellata... 2.2 Porifera 2.3 Anthozoa (and other Cnidaria) 2...
... Dresden (Theodor Steinkopff) Dresden 1960: 1–74. Niebuhr, B. & Esser, K.J., 2003. Late Campanian and Early Maastrichtian ammonites from the white chalk of Kronsmoor (northern Germany) – taxonomy and stratigraphy – Acta Geologica Polonica (Institute of Geology University of Warsaw) Warschau 53 (4): 257–281. Wiese, F., Čech, S., Ekrt, B., Košťák, M ...
Vorwort zum Teil 2 Die Paläogeographie, Ablagerungsbedingungen und integrierte Stratigraphie der sächsischen Kreide (Elbtal- Gruppe, Cenomanium bis Coniacium) wurden bereits im Teil 1 der „Kreide-Fossilien in Sachsen“ von Wilmsen...
... Geol. L.-Anst., N.F., 117: 1 – 227. Janetschke, N.; Wilmsen, M. (2014): Sequence stratigraphy of the lower Upper Cretaceous Elbtal Group (Cenomanian – Turonian of Saxony, Germany). – Z. Dt. Ges. Geowiss., 165: 179 – 208. Nádaskay, R.; Uličný, D. (2014): Genetic stratigraphy of Coniacian deltaic deposits of the northwestern part of the Bohemian Cretaceous ...
William James Kennedy, 1967. Burrows and surface traces from the Lower Chalk of southern England - Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology London 15 (3): 125-167.
... nov (pro Spongites Schloth 1820 (non Oken 1814)) ", the type species is Spongites pertusus Schlotheim (1820 : 369) based on a specimen from a Cretaceous chert from Amberg (W Germany), compared by von Schlotheim to Spongia pertusa Esper (Esper 1799 : 246-7, pl 26, figs l, 2) Esper's figure is clearly a sponge, and I can only presume that Hantzschel has examined the original specimen, since the original description does not suggest a Thalassinoides The genus Aschemonia Dettmer (1914) is too poorly defined for comparison, but may well be a Thalassinoides In addition to the association of Thalassinoides with Callianassa sp recorded by Ehrenberg (1
...pánve“) and the Saxonian Cretaceous Basin („Elbtal-Gruppe“ = s.l. „sächsische Kreide“) within the country-borders of Germany, Czech Republic and Poland (1:200.000). The small area just near the border between North-Bohemia and the...
William James Kennedy, Willy Wright & Jake Hancock, 1980. Collignoniceratid ammonites from the mid-Turonian of England and northern France. Palaeontology (Palaeontological Association) London 23 (3): 557–603.
... PALAEONTOLOGY, VOLUME 23 560 Occurrence. Collignoniceras is widespread in the middle of the Turonian stage, the classic woollgari Zone. There are records from England, France, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Rumania, Turkestan, Japan, California, Texas, the V.S. and Canadian Interiors, Greenland, north Africa, Colombia, and northern Australia. Collignoniceras ...
...custom hillshade image for the usage in the OsmAnd App based on the now public available DGM20 dataset of Saxony (Germany). This article will focus on the technical details and solving the problems I had, whilst creating it. The...
Oysters (Ostreidae) Joachim Gründel (Berlin, Germany) - Freie Universität Brachiopoda Jan Sklenár (Prague, Czech Republic) - national museum Bryozoa Kamil Zágoršek (Prague, Czech Republic) - national museum Cephalopoda Markus Wilmsen (Dresden, Germany) - museum for mineralogy & geology Jirí Frank (Prague, Czech Republic) - national museum, twitter Martin Kosták (Prague, Czech Republic) - Charles-University Crustacea Joachim Gründel (Berlin, Germany) - Freie Universität Martina Veselská (Prague, Czech Republic) Echinodermata Jirí Zítt (Prague, Czech Republic) - AS CR Pisces Boris Ekrt (Prague, Czech Republic) - national museum Inoceramids Karl-Armin Tröger (Freiberg, Germany) - TU Bergakademie corals Hannes Löser (Hermosillo, Mexiko) - Nationale Autonome Universität Helena Eliásová (Prague, Czech Republic) calcareous nannofossils Lilian Švábenická (Prage, Czech Republic) - Geological Survey Polychaeta, Serpulidae Tomáš Kocí (Príbram, Czech Republic) Porifera Radek Vodrážka (Prague, Czech Republic) - Geological Survey, AS-CR Palaeobotanic Lutz Kuntzmann (Dresden, Germany) - Museum for Mineralogy & Geology Jiří Kvaček (Prague, Czech Republic) - national museum
Nahe der nordböhmischen Stadt Lovosice (dt. Lobositz im Ústecký kraj) befindet sich der Steinbruch Úpohlavy (Zementwerk). Der Kalksteinbruch wird derzeit durch die Firma Lafarge Cement betrieben und ist ein guter Fundpunkt für turone...
... Department, Natural History Museum, National Museum, Václavské náměstí 68, 115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic; • Manfred Jäger, Lindenstrasse 53, D-72348 Rosenfeld, Germany; Despite almost two centuries of palaeontological research within the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (BCB), knowledge of the polychaete fauna from ...
Henri Milne-Edwards & Jules Haime, 1850. Introduction; Corals from the Tertiary and Cretaceous formations : Chapter III. Corals of the upper Chalk. (in: Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1850–1854. A monograph of the British fossil corals) 1: I–LXXXV; 1–71.
... British Fauna. One species, true (the Parasmilia centralis), has been mentioned it is Chalk of Beauvais and in the north-west of different geologists as existing also in the Germany, but we have great reason It is also worthy of the Corals of the and that a great difference these formations, allied to that of to think that these fossils are not specifically ...
Beim Nutzen des Hilfsdienst bin ich auf das Problem gestoßen,… 1 year, 7 months ago
Blatt 42 (4840) Borna ist leider nicht korrekt verlinkt. 1 year, 10 months ago
Der Kockelsbergtunnel wird südlich wieder in die Strecke Berlin-Dresden einbinden, nicht auf… 3 years, 1 month ago
Sehr schöne Anleitung, danke! 4 years ago
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