Search Results: "journals"
3 Results found for "journals"
Due to the lack of english content the search has been epxanded to the german section.
Tips for Searching:
- If no results were found, try to decrease the number of keywords or try to generalize them - instead of "Saxonian" try "Saxony"
Unsorted list on geoscientific journals at Google Books and HathiTrust Digital Libary do provide access to their database for material published prior to 1923. Users outside the US may not be able...
Before giving some additional information about the „complete“ bibliography on the Saxo-Bohemian-Cretaceous-Basin here the link to the BiBTeX-file mentioned above: kreidefossilien-bibliographie.bib. The processing may take a while...
Ergebnisseiten: 1
Beim Nutzen des Hilfsdienst bin ich auf das Problem gestoßen,… 1 year, 7 months ago
Blatt 42 (4840) Borna ist leider nicht korrekt verlinkt. 1 year, 10 months ago
Der Kockelsbergtunnel wird südlich wieder in die Strecke Berlin-Dresden einbinden, nicht auf… 3 years, 1 month ago
Sehr schöne Anleitung, danke! 4 years ago
Digitalisat von Tafel II aus Schulze, 1770 in guter Qualität hinzugefügt. Quelle: 4 years, 10 months ago