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Search Results: "tourtia"

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41 Results found for "tourtia"

Due to the lack of english content the search has been epxanded to the german section.
Tips for Searching:
  1. If no results were found, try to decrease the number of keywords or try to generalize them - instead of "Saxonian" try "Saxony"
Palaeontographica, 1846-1922 (Band 1-64)

...der Arten 205 I. Im Unteren Pläner (Etage cenomanien d'Orb.) 207 1. Zone des Pecten asper und Catopygus carinatus (Tourtia) 209 2. Zone des Ammonites varians und Hemiaster Griepenkerli (Varians-Pläner) 212 3. Zone des Ammonites Rotomagensis...

Ergebnisseiten: 1 |2 |3

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