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Search Results: "czech republic"

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28 Results found for "czech republic"

Due to the lack of english content the search has been epxanded to the german section.
Tips for Searching:
  1. If no results were found, try to decrease the number of keywords or try to generalize them - instead of "Saxonian" try "Saxony"
Application (Version 1.0.9)

Small WebGIS with informations on localities and references combined with the geological maps of Germany 1:200.000 (GÜK200), Saxony (1:50.000) and the Czech Republic (1:50.000).

Literaturschau: April 2009

...symbiotic hydroids (Protulophila) on serpulids and bryozoans in a cryptic habitat at Chrtniky (lower Turonian, Czech Republic). - Bulletin of Geosciences (Czech Geological Survey) Prague 84 (1): 1-6.PDF


Small application based on OpenLayers 3. This should not become a replacement for a full GIS enviroment but a quick information grabbing source. Find basic informations on localities, literature references and geological maps. Go for it

Forschung: neue Veröffentlichungen 2010

...2010. Late Cretaceous nautilid beaks from near-shore/shallow water deposits of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic). Acta Geologica Polonica Warschau 3: 417-428.PDF Taxonomie & Paläoökologie zweier Nautiliden-Arten...

GeoDresden 2009

...Birgit Niebuhr,Thomas Pürner,Markus Wilmsen Stratigraphy of the BohemianCretaceous Basin on the territory of the Czech Republic - Stanislav Čech 3D lithofacies modeling in the Saxonian Cretaceous Basin: a correlation tool and its...

Digitale Sammlungen - Nachtrag

...Jahrbuch d. kais.-könig. geol. Reichsanstalt, Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie & Geologie National Library of the Czech Republic (NKP) & Academy of Science (CAS)z.B.: Abhandlungen & Sitzungsberichte d. könig. böhm. Gesell...

Ergebnisseiten: 1 |2

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