Suchergebnisse: "cretaceous"
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...which extends over the Czech Republic, Saxony and Poland. For example in Greguš et al. 2013 there is a picture of Cretaceous Basins in Europe - containing the BSCB, the North-Sudetic Basin, Intra-Sudetic Basin/Nysa Through. One disadvantage...
The descriptions of the Ammonitidae from the same rocks, drawn up by Dr. Ferdinand Stoliczka. Dr. Stoliczka joined the Geological Survey of India at the commencement of the year 1863, and at once took up the examination of these fossils...
A. armatus A. hippo castanum A. inflatus A. rugatum A. sulcatus Acephala Alienus Am. alienus Am. armiger Am. asper Am. bidichotomus Am. biplex Am. colligatus Am. conciliatus Am. cultratus Am. diphylloides Am. diphyllus Am. dispar Am. euomphalus Am. harpax Am. hippocastanum Am. improvisus Am. inanis Am. inflatus Am. infundibulum Am. inornatus Am. lati ...
FAMILY PLEUROTOMARIIDAE SWAINSON, 1840(GASTROPODA, ARCHAEOGASTROPODA)FROM THE BOHEMIAN CRETACEOUS BASIN INTRODUCTION This paper deals with the family Pleurotomariidae SWAINSON, 1840 from sediments of the Bohemia n Cretaceous Basin...
... XXXIXB (1984), NO.4 REDAKT0 R\: JI Ri CE JKA VACLAV ZIEGLER Polobske muzeium Podebrody FAMILY PLEUROTOMARIIDAE SWAINSON, 1840 (GASTROPODA, ARCHAEOGASTROPODA) FROM THE BOHEMIAN CRETACEOUS BASIN INTRODUCTION This paper deals with the family Pleurotomariidae SWAINSON, 1840 from sediments of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. This family has not yet been ...
Summary. Cretaceous Exogyra beds over Blansko. (With a map-sketch and a profile.) This paper is a revision of the opinions expressed hitherto on the stratigraphic belonging of the Exogyra bed over Blansko. A. Rzehak (3,4,5) in 1883...
Henry Woods, 1904-1913. A monograph of the Cretaceous Lamellibranchia of England. Volume II. Palaeontographical Society (Palaeontographical Society) London 58–65: 1–473.
... Crassatellites Crenella Ctenoides Cuama canaliculata Cucullea Cuculus Cuneata Cuspidaria Cuspidaria caudata Cuspidaria pulchra Cuspidaria sabaudiana Cyclorisma Cypricardia Cypricardia cretaceous Cypricardia striata Cypricardia trapezoidalis Cyprimeria Cyprimeria (Cyclorisma) Cyprina Cyprina angulata Cyprina cuneata Cyprina meyer Cyprina obtusa Cyprina ...
Henry Woods, 1899–1903. A monograph of the Cretaceous Lamellibranchia of England. Volume I. Palaeontographical Society (Palaeontographical Society) London 53–57: 1–232.
A. costulata A. intercostata A. papyracea A. pseudoradiata A. quadratus A. truncata Acephala Acila Affinis Amusium Angulata Aniba Anomia papyracea Anomia transversa Apiculata Arachnoides Arca carinata Arca strehlensis Archiaciana Arcuatus Aroa Aroa dupiniana Atava Aucella B. aptiensis B. jaculum B. lateralis B. mucronata B. rotundata Barbatia Barbatia ...
...sections, while Anton Fric' undertook the palaeontological investigations of the individual formations of the Cretaceous, and for forty years there have been appearing in the archives of the Bohemian survey monographs by the latter...
... Taxonomic Names ......................................... xii Errata .............................................................. xiv Art. I.-The Schrammen Collection of Cretaceous Silicispongiae in The American Museum of Natural History. By MARJORIE O'CONNELL. (Plates I-XIV, five text figures, and 1 map.) ................... 1 II.-Six New Fishes ...
The Middle East Technical University, Ankara will host this meeting on September 1st to 5th, 2013.More informations on
Before giving some additional information about the „complete“ bibliography on the Saxo-Bohemian-Cretaceous-Basin here the link to the BiBTeX-file mentioned above: kreidefossilien-bibliographie.bib. The processing may take a while...
The complete bibliography can be exported to the BiBTeX-format here. 1. General/Miscellaneous 2. Palaeozoology 2.1 Micro- & Nannofossils: Foraminifera, Radiolaria, Dinoflagellata... 2.2 Porifera 2.3 Anthozoa (and other Cnidaria) 2...
... Polonica (Institute of Geology University of Warsaw) Warschau 53 (4): 257–281. Wiese, F., Čech, S., Ekrt, B., Košťák, M. & Mazuch, M., 2004. The Upper Turonian of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic) exemplified by the Úpohlavy quarry: integrated stratigraphy and palaeoceanography of a gateway to the Tethys – Cretaceous Research (Elsevier ...
Monograph on the British fossil Echinodermata from the cretaceous formations: Thomas Wright, 1864-1882. Volume I: The Echinoidea (pp.1-371; tab. 1-80) W. Percy Sladen & W.K. Spencer, 1891-1908. Volume II: The Asteroidea and Ophiurioidea (pp. 1-138; tab. 1-29)
Kreide im sächsischen Elbtalgebiet (Deutschland). Eine der wesentlichen Verbindungen des tethyalen Faunenreiches mit dem nördlichen gemäßigten Faunenreich liegt in der Elbtalzone zwischen den Blöcken des Erzgebirges (Teil der Mitteleuropäischen...
The Cretaceous of the Elbe valley in Saxony (Germany) - a review Karl-Armin TRÖGER Abstract: Citation: TRÖGER K.-A. (2003).- The Cretaceous of the Elbe valley in Saxony (Germany) -a review.-Carnets de Géologie / Notebooks on Geology, Maintenon, Article 2003/03 (CG2003_A03_KAT) Résumé : Le Crétacé de la vallée de l'Elbe en Saxe (Allemagne).- En Europe ...
Herbert Christian Klinger & Jost Wiedmann, 1983. Palaeobiogeographic affinities of Upper Cretaceous ammonites of Northern Germany. Zitteliana, Reihe B, Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie München 10: 413–425.
Palaeoblogeographic affinities of Upper Cretaceous ammonites of Northern Germany By HERBERT CHRISTIAN KLINGER & JOST WIEDMANN'') With 16 text figures KURZFASSUNG Am verbliebenen Material von C. Schlüter's Monographien „Beiträge zur Kenntnis der jüngsten Ammoneen Norddeutschlands" (1867) und „Cephalopoden der oberen deutschen Kreide" (1871-76) werden ...
Oysters (Ostreidae) Joachim Gründel (Berlin, Germany) - Freie Universität Brachiopoda Jan Sklenár (Prague, Czech Republic) - national museum Bryozoa Kamil Zágoršek (Prague, Czech Republic) - national museum Cephalopoda Markus Wilmsen (Dresden, Germany) - museum for mineralogy & geology Jirí Frank (Prague, Czech Republic) - national museum, twitter Martin Kosták (Prague, Czech Republic) - Charles-University Crustacea Joachim Gründel (Berlin, Germany) - Freie Universität Martina Veselská (Prague, Czech Republic) Echinodermata Jirí Zítt (Prague, Czech Republic) - AS CR Pisces Boris Ekrt (Prague, Czech Republic) - national museum Inoceramids Karl-Armin Tröger (Freiberg, Germany) - TU Bergakademie corals Hannes Löser (Hermosillo, Mexiko) - Nationale Autonome Universität Helena Eliásová (Prague, Czech Republic) calcareous nannofossils Lilian Švábenická (Prage, Czech Republic) - Geological Survey Polychaeta, Serpulidae Tomáš Kocí (Príbram, Czech Republic) Porifera Radek Vodrážka (Prague, Czech Republic) - Geological Survey, AS-CR Palaeobotanic Lutz Kuntzmann (Dresden, Germany) - Museum for Mineralogy & Geology Jiří Kvaček (Prague, Czech Republic) - national museum
INHALT REGIONALE BEITRÄGE ZUR PALÄOGEOGRAPHIE UND GEODYNAMIK BIRKELUND, T. & HAKANSSON, E.: The Cretaceous of North Greenland — a stratigraphic and biogeographical analysis 7 MORTIMORE, R. N.: The stratigraphy and sedimentation...
... Vorsitzender der Kreide-Subkommission der stratigraphischen Kommission der BRD INHALT REGIONALE BEITRÄGE ZUR PALÄOGEOGRAPHIE UND GEODYNAMIK BiRKELUND, T. & Häkansson, E.: The Cretaceous of North Greenland - a stratigraphic and biogeographical analysis 7 MoRTiMORE, R. N.: The stratigraphy and Sedimentation of theTuronian-Campanian in the Southern Province ...
Geologischer Überblick Die Elbtalkreide (Elbtal-Gruppe, sächsische Kreide, Saxonian Cretaceous Basin - SCB) bildete sich ab der frühen Oberkreide (Untercenoman) in einem Bereich zwischen der Mitteleuropäischen Insel und der Westsudetischen...
Bemerkung:Der Kreide-Teil ist Band II Heft 1&2 (von I-IV) der Monographie von Duncan: "A monograph of the British fossil corals. 2d series - Being a supplement to the "Monograph of the British fossil corals" by H. Milne-Edwards...
Das etwa alle vier Jahre stattfindende Internationale Kreide-Symposium findet 2009 zum achten Mal statt. Diesmal in Plymouth, Großbritannien vom 6. bis 12. September. Erste Informationen können unter abgerufen werden - Anmeldungen an gleicher Stelle.
The Cretaceous of the Elbe valley (Saxonian Cretaceous Basin - SCB) consists of marine sediments of the early upper Cretaceous (lower Cenomanian - Santonian). Fluvatile sediments where deposited in the late Albian-early Cenomanian by a drainage system (Niederschöna river). The remnants of the Cretaceous of the Elbe valley where deposited between the Lusatian block (West Sudetic Island) in the east and the former Erzgebirge block (Mid European Island) in the west/southwest. An introduction made by K.A. Tröger can be accessed here (in english).
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