Suchergebnisse: "saxony"
31 Ergebnis(se) für "saxony" gefunden
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Kreide im sächsischen Elbtalgebiet (Deutschland). Eine der wesentlichen Verbindungen des tethyalen Faunenreiches mit dem nördlichen gemäßigten Faunenreich liegt in der Elbtalzone zwischen den Blöcken des Erzgebirges (Teil der Mitteleuropäischen...
The Cretaceous of the Elbe valley in Saxony (Germany) - a review Karl-Armin TRÖGER Abstract: Citation: TRÖGER K.-A. (2003).- The Cretaceous of the Elbe valley in Saxony (Germany) -a review.-Carnets de Géologie / Notebooks on Geology, Maintenon, Article 2003/03 (CG2003_A03_KAT) Résumé : Le Crétacé de la vallée de l'Elbe en Saxe (Allemagne).- En Europe ...
...creating a custom hillshade image for the usage in the OsmAnd App based on the now public available DGM20 dataset of Saxony (Germany). This article will focus on the technical details and solving the problems I had, whilst creating...
Update 11/29/2020: The „Geologische Übersichtskarte GÜK400“ of Saxony available at the ArcGIS Feature Service is the „Oberflächenkarte“ version (surface map), where Cenozoic sediments (Paleogene-Recent) are shown. Thus, I used this...
Small WebGIS with informations on localities and references combined with the geological maps of Germany 1:200.000 (GÜK200), Saxony (1:50.000) and the Czech Republic (1:50.000).
Works belonging to the Public Domain (copyright expired) were digitized by projects like Google Books, and for natural scientific literature the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) specificly. A lot of the material is widespreaded on different (hidden) databases. A list on free available e-books is provided here (Upper Cretaceous of NW-Europe, especially Saxony, Bohemia and the north German Basin).
...Tröger, K.A., 2017. Facies changes in the Cenomanian (Cretaceous) of the northwestern Elbe Valley near Dresden (Saxony, Germany) – Acta Geologica Polonica (Institute of Geology University of Warsaw) Warschau. in: Hook: William...
...Mutterlose Albian Global sea level fluctuationsand its control on occurrences of nektonic organisms in the Lower Saxony Basin (Kirchrodeboreholes) - Juliane Fenner Der Cenoman/Turon-Übergang in Wunstorf (Hannover,Nordwestdeutschland...
...amp; Nagm, E. 2013. Upper Cenomanian–Lower Turonian ammonoids from the Saxonian Cretaceous (lower Elbtal Group, Saxony, Germany). Bulletin of Geosciences (Prague) 88 (3): 647 - 674.
Although a lot of the described exposures are protectet, the collecting of material isn't always impossible. Restrictions needed to be obey but in every case a "non-destructive" look on the sites should be possible (if not on private...
...Wilmsen, R Vodrazka & B. Niebuhr erschienen. In "The Upper Cenomanian and Lower Turonian of Lockwitz (Dresden area, Saxony, Germany): lithofacies, stratigraphy and fauna of a transgressive succession" wurde über die bisher in...
Zusammenfassung Die großräumigen, temporären Aufschlüsse von kristallinem Basement und Cenoman–Turonzeitlichem sedimentären Auflager in Lockwitz (südöstlicher Teil von Dresden) ergaben die seltene Gelegenheit, die Schichtenfolge, Fauna und Faziesentwicklung trangressiver Abfolgen der unteren Oberkreide in Sachsen detailliert zu studieren. Die Abfolge ...
Small application based on OpenLayers 3. This should not become a replacement for a full GIS enviroment but a quick information grabbing source. Find basic informations on localities, literature references and geological maps. Go for it
Vorwort. Als erste Veröffentlichung der im Frühjahr 1872 unter der Leitung von HERMANN CREDNER ins Leben gerufenen Geologischen Landesuntersuchung von Sachsen erschien im Jahre 1874 die von ALFRED JENTZSCH bearbeitete Zusammenstellung...
... Deutschen G@eol. Gesellschaft Freiberg über die geologische Erforschung Sachsens). 2.d.g.G. 1891, Bd. 43, S. 758--766. Credner, H.: The Geological Survey of the Kingdom of Saxony. 1 Übersichtskärtchen. 88. Leipzig 1892. Credner, H.: Die geologische Landesuntersuchung des Königreichs Sachsen. Z.f. prakt. Geol. 1893, S. 253—256, Taf. VII. Credner, H ...
The Cretaceous of the Elbe valley (Saxonian Cretaceous Basin - SCB) consists of marine sediments of the early upper Cretaceous (lower Cenomanian - Santonian). Fluvatile sediments where deposited in the late Albian-early Cenomanian by a drainage system (Niederschöna river). The remnants of the Cretaceous of the Elbe valley where deposited between the Lusatian block (West Sudetic Island) in the east and the former Erzgebirge block (Mid European Island) in the west/southwest. An introduction made by K.A. Tröger can be accessed here (in english).
Die oben erwähnte BiBTeX-Datei der „vollständigen“ Bibliographie (18. bis 21. Jahrhundert) ist unter kreidefossilien-bibliographie.bib verfügbar. Es kann vorkommen, das bis zum Download u.U. bis zu 15 Sekunden vergehen. Die *.bib-Datei...
Before giving some additional information about the „complete“ bibliography on the Saxo-Bohemian-Cretaceous-Basin here the link to the BiBTeX-file mentioned above: kreidefossilien-bibliographie.bib. The processing may take a while...
Bohemia In 1840 August Emanuel von Reuss began his elaborate work which appeared under the title of 'Geognostische Skizzen aus Böhmen' (1840-1844), on the stratigraphy of the Bohemian Mittlegebirge in the neighborhood of Teplitz and...
... of the Upper Cretaceous at Misburg, Hanover, Germany. (After Schrammen, 1899.) .......................................... 73 Section in Quarry at Kahlebusch, near Dresden, Saxony, showing nature of contact between the Cretaceous and Crystallines ...................... 80 Generalized columnar section of the Cretaceous of Saxony and Bohemia (Modified ...
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